What should I do if the engine makes abnormal noise?

What should I do if the engine makes abnormal noise?

Engine crankshaft abnormal noise, engine vibration: excessive axial gap of the crankshaft causes abnormal noise, re-select the bearing replacement, the abnormal noise is eliminated.
Abnormal sound of main bearing, engine vibration: loose fit of main journal and bearing, bad lubrication of main bearing and burnout, crankshaft bending or large axial clearance.
Engine idle noise, low and medium speed clang: poor lubrication or improper bearing coordination, poor bearing quality or too loose assembly gap, too tight tightening force bearing plate deformation to cause alloy to fall off, connecting rod journal rounded, contact with bearing bad.
Abnormal noise of timing gear of excavator: timing gear is worn or improperly assembled, the meshing clearance is too large or too small, the centerline of crankshaft and camshaft is not parallel, camshaft timing gear is loose or poorly lubricated, camshaft timing gear wheel Teeth are broken or gears are broken radially.
Abnormal sound of engine valve feet: The parts of the valve drive mechanism are worn or improperly adjusted, the valve clearance is too large, and the valve drive mechanism lacks lubrication.
The engine rattles and the hydraulic tappets make abnormal noises: the engine oil level is too high or too low, the hydraulic tappets lack lubricating oil, and the hydraulic tappets fail.
